Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Oprah Benji’s Favorite Things: 0-5 Month Edition. 

Like every other new mom, I am in constant pursuit of the latest and greatest new baby items.  Below is my shortlist:
1.) Merry Muscle Jumper - As a Brooklyn momma who struggles with limited space, this jumper works great because you can screw it into a beam and take it down when not in use.  In my opinion, this is important because you can avoid buying yet another piece of Fisher Price plastic that will further contribute to the growing display in your family room. This jumper keeps my baby entertains for more than 15 minutes and we laugh and giggle and smile at how cute he looks in it.
2.)  Sophie the Giraffe – Ok, so I’ll admit it. I was intrigued with this giraffe after seeing it in the hands of so many babies (ok, celebrity babies).  I was interested with the historical relevance, and even more so, that this toy has been helping babies teeth since 1961.  I decided to pay the hefty price and buy Benji his very own.  Not quite sure I agree that this should cost $22, but nonetheless, Sophie has helped with Benji's teething woes.
3.) Kiddopotamus Swaddles – Let it be known that my child loved being swaddled.   And when I mean swaddled, I mean Hannibal Lecter swaddle style.  When we brought him home from the hospital (Benji, not Hannibal Lecter) we quickly learned that the old fashion swaddle blankets wouldn’t cut it.  But the Kiddopotamus wraps kept his hands snug in the contents of the wrap so that he couldnt accidently or deliberately wake himself up.  
4.)  Medela Pump In Style – this is a must have for any pumping / working mom.  While the price is steep, I found it to be my saving grace (and still is).  Hands down one of the best purchases I made in the last five months.
5.) City Mini Stroller – I am a huge fan of the city mini, not only because it is extremely durable for the city streets, but because it is the lightest of stroller (aside from the Graco umbrella strollers) so it makes carrying it up brownstones with an infant in tow much easier.

Monday, December 27, 2010

First Christmas

After overcoming some barriers (i.e., an infant head cold, a sick nephew, an unexpected family death and a blizzard), Benji’s first Christmas was as wonderful and memorable and special as I had hoped for.  

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Baby Its Cold Outside

Merry Christmas!

Captain Blueberry Pants

Pepperidge Farm Fatty

You.  You’re so damn good I can’t even pronounce you.   But I have a bone to pick.  You have severely cannibalized my post-pregnancy weight loss.    And while you may think its cute that you sit in a fancy, sophisticated canister, I do not.  In fact, I loathe your canister. 


Because you make it impossible for me to secretly dispose of you.  Your counterparts, Oreo, Chips Ahoy, the girl scouts, all housed in a biodegradable, easily-disposable package that allows me to eat and discard without my husband knowing. But you and your bulky, cumbersome canister make me look piggish when I eat lets say...several canisters...and then leave me no room in my garbage for anything else.  How selfish of you!  And to make matters worse, I need to RECYCLE you in a clear plastic bag so my shame and embarrassment is broadcasted all over neighborhood.  

Shame on you.  But I love you so much.

We Do It All For the Nookie

When I was pregnant, I was *that* mommy-to-be  that said “my kid wont need a pacifier”.   I thought with enough love and cuddles and support that I could soothe any fuss.  But as with many other things, I was quickly jolted to reality when I realized how that binkie / nookie / life-support-plug quickly revolutionized my son’s emotions.  In those first critical weeks of his life, we would sanitize and wash that pacifier anytime it left his lips.  Should it fall on the floor, we would act as if it fell into a pile of hot, steaming dog poop and quickly perform the sterilization process (i.e., boil the pacifier, remove it with tongs, ensure that it doesn’t touch ANYTHING until his next use).  Fast forward five months later, when that pacifier falls on the floor, as it does a hundred times a day, I find intense satisfaction when I look down to find it sitting “nookie plug up”.  Sometimes I cheer quietly to myself.  Small victories. 

Schizophrenic Swan

If a movie consumes your thoughts for more than 72 hours, does that mean it was a good movie?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Delicious Sandwich

The true greatness of a turkey sandwich is measured by the amount of mayonnaise.  For those who dislike mayo, I am willing to detract this statement.  But for those who are mayo-crazed like myself, I challenge you to find me a better tasting turkey sandwich without a healthy glop of Hellmann’s best.

Captain Blueberry Himself

My creative inspiration.  Benji 4 months old.

New Beginnings

After years of being very uninspired, I am excited to have *offically* found the creative inspiration to create my own blog.  While I am uncertain of who the target audience will be, or if anyone other than myself will read this blog, I am eager to share the beautiful chaos of my life: a full-time job, one baby, two cats and a husband in 700 square feet of Brooklyn brownstone living.